HD und ED Röntgenresultate
HD und ED Röntgenresultate
Very good type and size, feminin all over, well shaped head, correct eye color, short neck,
would like a better shoulder, well developed body, bit soft in coat, strong rear, good bone,
correct movement
Feminine bitch, good size and propertions. Feminine head, would prefer a stronger muzzle.
Nice eyes and expression, well developed chest. A bit fine in bone, straight in shoulders.
Good topline, free movements, moves a bit close behind. Not in best coat today, good
temperament. Excellent.
sehr ansprechender Rassetyp; femininer Kopf; korrekte Proportionen; sehr schöner Nacken und obere und untere Linie; korrekte Winkelungen, gute Pfoten; vorzügliche Haartextur; exzellenter Bewegungsablauf fliessend
fem. typ; corr. Head proportion; little bit too round eyes; corr. scissor bite; well shaped ears, good neck, ex. topline and tailset; good body prop.; ex bones and corr. color and coat quality; typical movement; fantastic temperamtent, well handled
17 month old feminin, good head; exc. expression; good eyes, good prop., enough chest, good engulations; exc. in movements, good tail
nice fem. head; gd neck and topline, would like better angulation front and back, gd bone, a bit short on leg, would like a deeper chest, moves well
Riedmühlestrasse 17, 8305 Dietlikon, Schweiz